For Schools and Young People
The programme comprises 1-to-1 sessions as well as group work. For young people it is centred on 4 main themes related to challenges in their lives: transition, self-esteem, well-being and migration. Each of these themes encompasses different subject areas each of which is covered over a period of minimum 2 weeks. Re-Connect for Schools and Young People is bespoke based on the 4 main themes that include abusive relationships and how identities are formed.
Link to Young people success stories
For Parents
We offer parents individual support. Our group programme Re-Connect 4 Parents tackle life struggles such as Abusive behaviour, Exploring addiction, understanding the school system, parenting styles, Prioritising wants and needs, environmental factors that may shape the way people think and act?
Link to parents success stories
Programme Delivery
The Re-Connect Programme 4 School is typically delivered in 10 week blocks. To achieve maximum results and benefits to participants we generally aim to deliver three 10 weeks programmes over the course of an academic year.
The Re-Connect 4 Parents Programme is a 10 week Programme